Three Reasons To Chose Aluminium Windows Over Wood Alternatives

Renovating a house is an ideal way to update and upgrade the look of your home while incorporating a modern energy-saving design. One way to reduce your power consumption no matter the season is to upgrade the windows. Removing cracked windows that let cold air out and hot air in makes a sizeable difference to your electricity account. But what type of window is best for your home? Aluminium windows tick all the power-saving and aesthetic boxes, but why should you choose aluminium windows over wood ones? Here are three reasons why aluminium windows are the ideal choice during a home renovation.

Weather Durability

A wood window does provide a rustic look to the home, but over time, wood does not stand up to weather elements as comprehensively as aluminium does. Wood expands and contracts with the change in temperature, and over time, these movements cause tiny cracks to appear. Once moisture gets into those cracks, wood rot begins. Rotten wood frames are one reason why an electricity bill is higher than it needs to be. These cracks let air enter and exit the home, so your air conditioning unit needs to work harder to cool or heat air depending on the season. Aluminium windows, by comparison, are always weather-resistant, so they do not deteriorate over time.


Wood window frames need special care to keep them looking as good as new. Wood window frames need a special oil to retain their fresh wood look. They also need to be resealed annually to keep moisture-resistant barrier protection on the wood. Aluminium windows have a care regime so easy even your children can do it. Any sign of dirt on the aluminium window frame is wiped away with a damp cloth. The lack of maintenance factor of aluminium windows is another reason why they are a popular choice.

Colour Choice

The only way to change the colour of a wood window frame is to paint it. Many people do not like to do this because wood is a natural product. However, when it comes to aluminium window frames, you can pretty much have any colour you want. Since you are changing the windows as part of a home renovation project, this is the ideal time to choose a frame colour that blends well with your interior colour changes.

As you can see, aluminium windows are much more versatile and durable when compared to the wood alternative. Do not hesitate to contact your local provider of products like Schuco aluminium windows to discuss what options are available to you.
