5 Ways That Double-Glazed Windows Are Beneficial During Summertime

Single-glazed windows have many disadvantages that make them unsuitable for modern homes. They are especially disadvantageous in Australia's hot summer months, when they let in noise and let out cooling energy. Double-glazed windows, on the other hand, offer you several useful benefits for summertime.

If you are considering installing double-glazed windows in your home, you could soon benefit in various ways.

1. Keep Out Summertime Noise

When the sun is shining outside, people and animals come out to play. Naturally, this means more noise pollution. But summer is also a popular time for midday naps and quiet moments spent reading books and watching movies. If it's noisy outside, these activities will be difficult.

But if you replace your single-glazed windows with double-glazed windows, you can reduce noise pollution significantly. The pocket of air between the two panes of glass in double-glazing helps to muffle noise from outside.

2. Protect Your Furniture From UV Light

Did you know that Australia encounters as much as 15% more UV light than Europe during summertime? This powerful UV light can flood through single-glazed windows and damage your furniture, causing it to fade over time. The UV radiation breaks down the chemical bonds in some objects, leaving them faded.

Double-glazing can help to protect your favourite items of furniture from the summertime sun. Much of the harmful UV radiation won't make it through to your furniture on clear days due to the extra layer of glass.

3. Help You Keep Your Home Cool

If your home isn't very well insulated, much of the cold air coming from your air conditioner will escape through the roof and through your windows during summertime. Double-glazed windows help keep more of your cool air inside your home than single-glazed windows. This will help you stay cool inside your home on scorching summer days.

4. Lower Your Energy Bill

If double-glazed windows stop cool air escaping from your home, then you'll likely save money on your energy bills. This is because you won't need to leave your air conditioners on all day in an attempt to stay cool.  

5. Top Up Your Home's Security

Double-glazed windows also add an additional layer of security to your home. Double-glazed windows take longer to break through, so burglars will think twice about gaining entry through them.

Are you thinking of replacing your windows soon? Then choosing double-glazed windows now will ensure that your home is better prepared for the summertime weather a few months down the line.
