Pregnant With Your First Child? Two Reasons To Get Your Car Windows Tinted Before You Give Birth

There is a lot to think about when you discover you are pregnant for the first time. As someone who is in this position, you are no doubt receiving plenty of advice about how to take care of the health of both your baby and yourself. One thing few mums-to-be receive advice about is the importance of making one simple change to the car to protect the health of the baby. This simple change is the installation of car window tinting, and there are two reasons why you should have it done before your baby arrives.

Baby Eyes And Sunlight

During the first two months of your baby's life, they cannot see a lot as their eyes adjust to the world around them. While they cannot see objects far away, newborn baby eyes see objects close to them and respond to changes in light.

Your baby will start out their life travelling in your car in a rear-facing car seat. While in their car seat, your baby has exposure to sunlight entering from both the back window and the side window beside them. This light can affect their little eyes if it happens to strike them at the wrong angle. The problem is because you are in the front seat driving the car, you cannot instantly adjust their car seat canopy to protect them from the sun.

Car window tinting dulls the sun's glare as it enters the car. By installing tinting that is as dark as your state allows, it makes life a lot more comfortable for the eyes of your newborn.

Heat Sensitivity In Newborns

The other area where tinted windows in a car can help out a newborn baby is the way they react to changes in temperature. Bearing in mind that your baby is due to be born early in the new year, this is the hottest part of summer in Australia and cars get warm during the day.

Babies are very sensitive to high heat, and the more you can do to reduce the heat in your car, the more comfortable they will be. Car window tint reflects the sun's rays from your car and can play a part in reducing the temperature within your vehicle.

It only takes one day for the installation of car window tinting, so talk to your local tint installer about how best to make your vehicle a much more comfortable ride for your upcoming new family addition.
