5 Reasons Aluminium Windows Look So Much Better than uPVC Windows

Aluminium windows are some of the most expensive around, with uPVC as a far better option if you really need to keep to a tight budget. However, aluminium windows do come with plenty of compelling benefits, and probably the most important for the average homeowner is superior looks.

Here are just five reasons why aluminium windows look so much better than uPVC windows.

1. Slim Lines

Oddly enough, one of the best aesthetic advantages that comes with aluminium is that you don't need to see very much of it. Aluminium is very strong, meaning that frames can be made very thin. In contrast, frames made using uPVC will tend to be a lot thicker, making them more visually obtrusive and cutting down on the amount of exposed glass.

2. Larger Windows

A secondary visual benefit of the fact that aluminium is so strong is that it can be used to hold very large glass panes. If you want larger windows made from huge panes of glass in order to maximise your view and increase the amount of light that enters your home, aluminium is by far your best option.  

3. No Fading or Yellowing

Even if you like the original colour of your uPVC windows, you'll need to accept that they won't remain that colour for long. uPVC will fade and discolour under direct sunlight, which can make the exterior of your home look progressively worse. Additionally, stains and marks are made relatively easily. In contrast, aluminium is going to stay looking good throughout its lifespan.

4. Numerous Colour Options

Even untreated aluminium looks pretty good, providing homes with a traditional appearance that makes use of a very strong and noticeable upscale material. Of course, you can always colour it in different ways. During the powder coating process used for aluminium windows, you can choose between different colours and different finishes to create something that looks exactly as you want it to. uPVC will come in a few colours, but most tradesmen simply go with white. Overall, it tends to look a little cheap, which it is.

5. Nicer Joins 

Finally, aluminium windows will provide more visually-pleasing joins than uPVC windows. Welded uPVC corners can look a little unappealing, and they can start to crack after a few years. The welded joins used for aluminium windows won't crack, and the join itself will be far less conspicuous. It's a smaller difference, but it's still one worth keeping in mind.
